Monday, January 17, 2011

Week 2 - Jan 9 - Jan 17

Of course I had to include this picture of my 3 cute Girl Scouts selling cookies on my front porch. I'm not sure I like how the back all whited out, I may have to try a few more of them on the door step. Maybe a different time of day. But with the background white they sure show up. Girl Scout cookies anyone? :)

We took family pictures a few weeks ago, but of course we had one or two get upset and that doesn't make for a good picture. We tried again this week and managed to get this one while we were all still pleasant. We call this picture, "Blessings Piled On." I like the chaotic feel of the picture composure. It is representative of our crazy lives with 6 kids. But the smiles on our faces show how we feel about the lives we live and how we feel about each other.

With all the soccer we play in our family, there a many pictures taken at soccer games. I have been able to capture some fun outdoor shots. But I have not been able to take any indoor shots that I am pleased with... Increasing the lighting is not an option. After talking with my friend about it, I am going to increase my ISO and see what I get. The next shot turned out kind of cool. My daughter is there going for the ball. And up in the left corner I happened to capture my oldest son watching through the net.

Last night we had an incredible sunset!! I took 70 pictures of it. I will have to delete some. Below are a few that I won't delete. I think the last one is my favorite, but I just love sunsets.

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