Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Week 4 - Jan 24 - Jan 30

I didn't get my camera out as much as I wanted to this week. I will have to make up for that next week. We saw our first eagles of the season, so I may go try to get a shot or two of them. Here a just a few shots from this week.

A real Mr. Potato Head! We needed potatoes for ñioqis and this is one of the big ones they dug up in our garden this week!

Tooth #2 gone :) What a cute smile. I want to practice more close up shots. I would like to work on the settings so I can have the background more out of focus.

I heard the water running and called to my 3 year old asking why the water was on...his reply was that he burned his finger on the fire place and was running it under the water. A 3 year old administering his own 1st aid, what a bright boy :) So, I really wanted to use this picture, but the mirror is so there a way to photoshop a mirror?

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