Friday, February 25, 2011

Week 7 -Feb 14 - Feb 20

My oldest did his Science Fair project on Pinewood Derby Cars! He so loves scouting and the experiences he has had there. He and his friend were among 6 from their school to go on to district! Way to go boys!
In the top picture I debated whether or not I should cut out my youngest when I took the pic, but decided to leave him in with the option to crop later. I love how he is looking to his older brother. We are all examples and role models to someone...

It snowed!!! I grabbed my camera as I headed out the door. I love how this picture of Rach turned out. She looks too grown-up though.

I included both of these pictures because I noticed how just adjusting the focal point changed the feel of the picture. Tom likes the top one best because it keeps him looking further into the picture to see how far he can see. I had originally chosen the 2nd as my favorite. Which is yours?

I like how this picture turned out. I like the layers, depth, textures and colors.

Week 6 - Feb 7 - Feb 13

I was working with DOF. As I played with the aperture I "washed out" too many photos. I love how this first one turned out. The next one, I wish I could save somehow. The boys have such cute smiles, but I don't quite know how to fix it with the software that I have.

Next is my little "Woody" riding his stick horse.

The grass had made cool designs in the ice. I am thankful for children who notice and point out simple beauties.

Although this picture was too over exposed in color, when I changed it to b&w I really liked it.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Week 5 - Jan 31 - Feb 6

I am about ready to stop taking indoor pictures and just wait for outdoor soccer to start. I was able to take some this week and then enhance them after the fact. This first one is of my cute twins telling each other how hot and sweaty they are from playing hard.

One really good thing about East Winds is the beautiful blue sky that we can see after.

If I want to get serious about taking wildlife photos, I definitely need another lens. But it was fun to go see the eagles, my kids are always excited when they come.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Week 4 - Jan 24 - Jan 30

I didn't get my camera out as much as I wanted to this week. I will have to make up for that next week. We saw our first eagles of the season, so I may go try to get a shot or two of them. Here a just a few shots from this week.

A real Mr. Potato Head! We needed potatoes for ñioqis and this is one of the big ones they dug up in our garden this week!

Tooth #2 gone :) What a cute smile. I want to practice more close up shots. I would like to work on the settings so I can have the background more out of focus.

I heard the water running and called to my 3 year old asking why the water was on...his reply was that he burned his finger on the fire place and was running it under the water. A 3 year old administering his own 1st aid, what a bright boy :) So, I really wanted to use this picture, but the mirror is so there a way to photoshop a mirror?

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Week 3 - Jan 18 - Jan 23

After taking the sunset pictures last week that were so orange and red, this sunset seemed so soft to me. And my kids wanted me to get out and take more sunset pictures with them. After seeing my sister-in-law's sunset picture on her post, I want to drive a mile west to shoot the next cool sunset.

One large empty fish food container, Two very happy two-year olds, Three not so happy fish,... our tank is clear and clean thanks to Tom, down to two fish, and the small container of fish food hidden once again.

I tried some indoor shots at soccer this week. This is an ok shot, still not pleased, but enjoying watching my kids play and trying for a perfect shot.

So maybe I shouldn't post this picture on my photo project. My husband actually took it. I love the reflection. He has played around with reflection shots in water before, and now this. I don't seem to see these, but he does. Just another reminder to me that the possibilities of images to capture are endless. Even the same scene is viewed differently by different people. I want to work on seeking other perspectives.

Cheap entertainment!! We went through the car wash on Saturday. The children were having a fun time going from one side of the car to the other as it got sprayed. I think now we will have to clean the insides of the windows too! As far as the shot goes, I took two with the flash and then this one without. On the other two the kids were more in focus, but I liked that with this one I could see the drops of water on the window.

Josh made us "puppy chow" as a snack. It was finger-licking good!

The birthday boy was pleased with his lollypop sundae that he got at the Brick Oven. His first attempt to eat it did not include a spoon. By the time we got the camera, he was trying to eat it with a spoon.

Andrew is the baker and mastermind of this cake. For a month now, Spencer has wanted a Toy Story cake. We were pleased with how it turned out. I like the perspective and depth of this shot.

I love pictures of children blowing out candles. I like the ones without a flash, lit only by the candles themselves. I don't use my tripod on these because they happen so fast, so I never know what I will end up with...I am pleased with this picture. But of course I am extremely bias, that's my baby celebrating 3!!!

Turning 3 wore him out...and us too! Good Night!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Week 2 - Jan 9 - Jan 17

Of course I had to include this picture of my 3 cute Girl Scouts selling cookies on my front porch. I'm not sure I like how the back all whited out, I may have to try a few more of them on the door step. Maybe a different time of day. But with the background white they sure show up. Girl Scout cookies anyone? :)

We took family pictures a few weeks ago, but of course we had one or two get upset and that doesn't make for a good picture. We tried again this week and managed to get this one while we were all still pleasant. We call this picture, "Blessings Piled On." I like the chaotic feel of the picture composure. It is representative of our crazy lives with 6 kids. But the smiles on our faces show how we feel about the lives we live and how we feel about each other.

With all the soccer we play in our family, there a many pictures taken at soccer games. I have been able to capture some fun outdoor shots. But I have not been able to take any indoor shots that I am pleased with... Increasing the lighting is not an option. After talking with my friend about it, I am going to increase my ISO and see what I get. The next shot turned out kind of cool. My daughter is there going for the ball. And up in the left corner I happened to capture my oldest son watching through the net.

Last night we had an incredible sunset!! I took 70 pictures of it. I will have to delete some. Below are a few that I won't delete. I think the last one is my favorite, but I just love sunsets.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Week 1 Jan 1 - Jan 8 2011

It was very cold outside on Jan 1. But my desire to get a picture of my New Year fireworks was stronger than my desire to stay warm. I got some cool ones that night and this is one of my favorites.

This one was on the same night. We call it ghostly firework lighters. I thought it was cool how my husband and boys aren't solid pictures. I want to experiment with this and light painting a little when I get the time.

On January 4th, my parents had a water line break. I took some pictures of the ice that formed. These are three of my favorites.

The Beginning

I have had cousins and friends do 365 projects. Taking a picture each day to improve their photo skills, or to journal their lives. Photography is always something that has interested me and I have wanted to do such a project. With 62,444 pictures currently on my computer, I should do something with them. With my busy life, I don't want the pressure of posting daily. So, my goal is to get my camera out often. And to post at least one picture each week, maybe more, that are my favorites. So now it begins...